

Discover and experience the best of a destination

Travel, experience and learn.

Calder & Lawson Tours was created to take over the University of Waikato’s specialist Travel and Learn tour unit. More than thirty years later we continue our connection with the University through our sponsorship of the Calder & Lawson art gallery on campus and many of our tour managers have connections with the university.

Discovery tours focus on getting the most out of a place: digging a little deeper into history, local culture, food and wine, geology and flora & fauna while still not missing the ‘must-do’ features of the destination. We also include special experiences and unexpected highlights which would be hard to find on your own.

Our tour managers keep the tour running smoothly while local experts guide us to bring history to life and share their culture and stories. Often the most fascinating aspects of a Discovery tour are learning about and experiencing everyday life and customs.

These aren’t ‘foodie’ tours, we always include many opportunities to savour local delicacies –  whether on tasting visits to artisan food and wine producers or during the meals included in your tour.

Discovery Tours

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